Saturday, December 28, 2019

Consumer Goods Account

Sample details Pages: 31 Words: 9253 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? 1 Introduction The Purpose of this dissertation is to establish the successful characteristics of the Fast moving consumer goods in the United Kingdom talking into account fresh produce and Dairy and to see what developments have taken place in this industry in line with the grocery industry. 1.1 Background Food is an element that plays an central role for the survival of human beings .If you remove everything that plays a part in sustaining life, the last thing that you consider are air food and water (Jane F.Eastham, Liz Sharples, Stephen D.Ball, 2001).The Food industry differs from county to country depending on the countrys attitudes, culture and the way the people perceive it to be. In Todays society people all around the globe very much concerned about the quality of Food that is delivered to them. In UK Food industry is a major economic player contributing radically to the gross national product. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Consumer Goods Account | Economics Dissertations" essay for you Create order In the recent years so many changes have been bought into the food supply chain and most of these strategies are in line with what are similar in the automotive industry which is mother of all supply chain. The food supply chain has evolved over years and it began from the hunter-gatherers through primitive agriculture to developed agricultural economics (Jane F.Eastham, Liz Sharples, Stephen D.Ball, 2001). It has been an organic change that has taken place over these years. As things have changes we are now looking at a global food supply chain. The food that we eat on our table or anywhere would have reached us through a big process before it is cooked and served to us. For example each ingredient that is put into the dish would be from different place with different cultures then put together to make it into how the customer wants it. In todays economy the consumers are demanding more and they want things at much faster response rate. In fact they are able to purchase food from every corner of the globe at any time. Companies all the over the globe are in competition with each other to reduce its lead time and make the product reach the customers at a faster rate. For example if you take into account the grocery sector which is one of the largest sector in the UK they have to be updated with the changing market demand and these information should be passed through whole supply chain. 1.2 Fast Moving Consumer Good In the global economy the Fast moving consumer goods relies effectively on the effectiveness of supply chain. The term Fast moving consumer good suggests that goods that are of limited shelf life and are greatest chance of perish ability .So it is essential that companies have to be very responsive to the market tend and respond back and forth along the supply chain to fulfill the customer needs. The FMCG is the one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK which involves the food and the grocery. Even though it is the fastest growing sector it is filled with challenges within the supply chain which involves from Purchasing, Warehousing to providing the items to the retailers on time. The FMCG sector because of its high perishes ability and short lived life is always looking for innovative ways to improve the supply chain. The FMCG Sector is quite a different sector due to its nature and range of it products and the techniques that are used in other industries might not fit with FMCG sector and will not provide the same results as expected. The purchasing aspect of the FMCG sector because of its short lived nature of the product will take into account the rate at which the products are purchased from the supplier by the retailers and supplier buys from the manufacturer. Retailers also should make sure that products are replenished on a timely bases before the next set of products are brought into the self. Here the buying behavior of the customers also is to taken into account of the item being purchased and it is on the basis of which retailers pass on the information. In the situation the Manufactures or the retailers are not directly exposed to the buying pattern of the customers. In the FMCG sector most companies gives importance to the Transportations aspect i.e. how fast the product can be delivered to the retailers to have sustained supply chain. FMCG sector is also concerned with how fast the information flows from the customer to the retailer till it reach the manufacturer because this could provide a base to the FMCG sector on the basis of which products can be supplied to the retailers. The Transportation side will look into how the vehicle can be utilized in a proper manner to reach the products on time and the key factors that will be taken such as collaboration, safety measures, competition, and the environmental factors. In todays competitive world FMCG supply chain are taking into account the use of technology to provide the information at a much faster rate than is expected. In todays purchasing pattern of the buyers the products the customers demand are growing and the retailers are looking for the best supply mechanism for information and products. 1.3 Purpose of the Dissertation Firstly the objective is the bring out insight in detail about the Fast Moving consumer goods taking into account different supply chain concept. In order to get the view about the FMCG the beginning of the literature review would a brief description about the FMCG in the United Kingdom and its present situation mainly taking into account the Fresh produce and Dairy Industry. Secondly after providing a brief outlook about the FMCG the next stage would involve bringing out the different purchasing strategies that is involved in the FMCG sector. This stage would try to bring about a consensus on the way Retailers and Manufactures in the supply chain try to meet its customers needs taking into different factors affecting the FMCG sector. Thirdly the topic try to provide knowledge on the kind of vehicle utilization and storage that takes place in FMCG sector for the transfer of the products from one location to the other and different criteria that need into be taken into account. It also deals with impact environment have on vehicle utilization. Fourthly would involve different techniques that has been used in the FMCG sector with the emergence of new technology which has provided better information sharing among the supply chain in delivering products at the right place at the right time Finally and the last part of the dissertation would involve giving out an analysis on two countries FMCG sector i.e. the U.A.E and United Kingdom and try to figure out if there is any difference in its working structure. Then it would also involve some problems that are faced in these supply chain taking into account mainly the vehicle utilization and how better these can be implemented in this sectors. Research Question 1. How does the purchasing take place in FMCG sector from a grocery point of view? 2 .What are the factors considered when utilization of vehicle takes place? 3 .Is there any difference between the FMCG supply chains between countries? 1.4 Research methodology People undertake research in order to find things out in a systematic way, there by increasing their knowledge (Jankowics, 1995).The methods used in the research are very important to bring out a direction in the work that is being done. Research methods are very critical to success or failure of the work. There are different kinds of research methods used such as Qualitative /Quantitative data, Primary and secondary data sources, deduction /induction methods and so on. Each of these methods helps to provide different kinds of view point on the project. Firstly, Descriptive research is identify the FMCG sector in the United Kingdom. Then a inductive method is done to test if there is relation about the FMCG sector in UK with relation to U.A.E. This is done in order to find out if the supply chains are same in both these countries. Secondly another method used to get more information on study is doing qualitative data on the research. Qualitative data can collect from many ways which can be primary data/secondary data. The main reason to make use of qualitative data is to find out the result in deep (Ghauri and Gronhaug,2002).To get a clear cut view point of the FMCG sector mainly secondary data is taken into account .In the effort to get information regarding FMCG books ,articles, journals. etc is used as form of secondary data. Thirdly even primary data has also been included in the research and is focused on collecting information about the FMCG sector in UK by making use of mailing questionnaires. Apparently as mentioned above the research is used in the most effective way to get the most efficient data to find the reliable result from the analysis. 1.5 Dissertation structure The project would start by providing an insight to the Fast moving consumer goods in the united in chapter 2.Then chapter 3 would include research methodology. In chapter 4 there would be an analysis done on Fast moving consumer goods. Finally Chapter 5 will include conclusion. 1.6 Summary This dissertation would mainly focus on finding out developments thats taking place the FMCG sector in uk and try to find difference between FMCG supply chain in both these countries and to see what is lacking in the Indian FMCG sector. Qualitative analysis is mainly used to collect data by making use of primary and secondary data. 2 Research Methodologies The Most important part of the dissertation is to make sure the way in which the dissertation was carried out. To make sure that the research has been carried out correctly the data and information used in the dissertation was carefully carried out from many sources. It begins with research design and is followed by research strategy. Other part would contain the explanation of data collected. 2.1 Introduction Before the beginning of any dissertation work the most important part which is needed is how the search for the data and information was done in order to find things in a systematic way. According to Ghauri and Gronhaug (2002) research is very important because it is the essential evidence to support the paper. People undertake research in order to find things out in a systematic way, there by increasing their knowledge (Jankowicz, 1995). Here the word systematic way refers to the logical relationships and not just belifs. The dissertation also involves the methods that have been in implemented to do the research and the different ways of collecting the required data and in formation and then provide the results and limitations for that. Firstly the research has been designed systematically. According to Saunders and his companies concluded that the research involves a theory to improve acknowledges, has to ways to develop the theory. There are Deductive and Inductive approach. The deductive research involves a study in which a conceptual and theoretical structure is developed and then tested by empirical observation and inductive approach involves a study in which theory is developed from observation of empirical reality .its the reverse of deductive method (Jill Hussey and Roger Hussey, 1997). Induction and Deduction Methods Laws and Theories Induction Deduction Facts acquired through Facts acquired through Observation Observation Induction and Deduction: Source: Adapted from Research Methods in Business Studies, A Practical Guide by Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002 The topic of the dissertation focuses on understanding the characteristics of Fast moving consumer goods in United Kingdom, and a Inductive approach was chosen at the most suitable. The research also will try to find out if there is any difference between the FMCG supply chains from another country taking into account India. Secondly the study will also try identifying probable result by making use of primary data and secondary data which are considered as qualitative and quantitative methods. A descriptive and explanatory study is also done to find in detail about the FMCG sector. The object of descriptive research is to portray an accurate profile of persons, events or situation (Mark Sauders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill, 1997).The reason why explanatory studies is done is to see if there is any relationship between the FMCG supply chain in United kingdom and India. Studies which establish a casual relationship between variables may be termed explanatory studies(Mark Sauders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thorn hill, 1997).The topic would involve all the useful information that is dependable from the rightful sources. Whatever type of research or approach is adopted there are several fundamental stages in the research process which are commonly to all scientifically based investigations (Mark Sauders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thorn hill, 1997). Stages in the Research process Identify research topic Define research problem Research Methodology Determine how to conduct research Collect research data Analysis and interpret data Write dissertation 2.2 Research strategy The dissertation would involve strategically and logically making use of plan to go about doing the research work. The research strategy would provide a help to how to go about answering the research questions that have been set forward. This allows to clearly define the way in which the information can be collected and the different sources of collecting the required information from many resources available and which in turn leads to selecting and defining the most rightful and appropriate one that suits the research. The strategy was built according to Saunders and his colleagues research. Strategy involves a step by step manner in which the dissertation is going to be carried out and it must start by specifying or indicating the types of research that are going to be implemented. According to Bryman and Bell (2003) concluded that there are two types of research that are involved mainly which are qualitative and quantitative research. Both these techniques have many different base and the main difference between them is quantitative is not quality but procedure. Qualitative research is an unstructured, exploratory research methodology based on small samples that provides insights and understanding of problem setting.(Malhotra,1999) where as Qualitative research has greater potential than quantitative research as it offers prospects of flexibility and change in direction of the course are much easier (Bryman,Bell;2007).According to Ghauri and Gronhaug the table below illustrates the different characteristics of both these techniques and how effectively both can be used for a research Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods Emphasis on understanding Emphasis on testing and verification Focus on understanding from respondents/informants point of view Focus on facts and /or reasons for social events Interpretation and rational approach Logical and critical approach Observations and measurements in natural settings Controlled measurement Subjective insider view and closeness to data Objective outside view distant from data Explorative orientation Hypothetical-deductive; focus on hypothesis testing Process orientation Result oriented Holistic perspective Particularistic and analytical Generalization by comparison of properties and contexts of individual organism Generalization by population membership Source: Adapted from Research Methods In Business Studies, A Practical Guide by Ghauri and Gronhaug,2002 According to the data collected only few data and information are of qualitative type due to responds received from the respondents. Most of the data and information collected are with the help of quantitative method and a inductive approach is made use to carry out the research To be more suitable for the research and due to the limited data received from qualitative the quantitative method is made use of more and a detail description about these different methods would be explained in detail later. According to Saunders and his other fellow researchers the research strategies can be done in many different ways such as the case study, experiment, survey, grounded theory, action research etc The Main strategy that was used in this research was to find out Firstly about the UK FMCG supply chain and to see if there is any similarity between the FMCG supply chain in two different countries mainly Uk and India. Both of the information that has been used in this research is by making use of secondary data due to lack of support from the primary data. Few of the above strategies where used to start of the research regarding the FMCG supply chain in Uk before comparing it with India. 2.3 Collecting data The data used for the research are collected in two different ways mainly Primary Data and Secondary data. Both these data collection differs and it adds its own strength and weakness to the research. 2.3.1 Primary data As mentioned before not much of primary data is collected due to lack of response. Primary data would have provided much more detail into the research as the information have to taken by themselves which would involve observation ,experiment ,communication. Firstly lot of things has been taken account for the research by careful observation of whats happening with the FMCG relating to the grocery sector. For example trying to see how much time would take for an item to be replenished from a store etc and why that expiry of some item is is so early. To get some information about the India FMCG supply questionnaires which are mailed have been made use of to help with research. Even though the questionnaires where of not much help to research some data which are essential have been used to support the research. However there are things that a researcher needs to take into account when doing primary data such as sensitive questions, biased problem, ethnic problem (Bryman and Bell, 2000). The main reason why mail questionnaires was used because a wide geographical area could be covered and doesnt cost anything. These questionnaires can be filled by any person according to their pace at any place were theres an internet facility. Compared to other means of collecting data this allows to communicate and respond at a faster rate. As in the case of the research that was carried out the response rate was very low because the question where targeted to professionals and those questions needed specific answers to them. 2.3.2 Secondary Data Most of the research is done with the help of the secondary data available as this data provided a strong support compared to others. Secondary data includes both qualitative and quantitative methods and these can provide a useful source from which to answer , or begin to answer ,your research questions (Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thorn hill, 1997). This data mainly involves data that are already available for usage. There are different kinds of secondary data that are used such as multiple sources, survey and documentary (Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thorn hill, 1997). The figure below will show detail description of different secondary data Types of Secondary Data Documentary Multiple Sources Survey Written Material Examples:- E-mail, Reports, Books, Journals, Newspaper, Organization records etc Area Based Examples :- Financial Government Publication Journals etc Census Government Census: Censes of population, Census of Employment Non-Writing Material Examples Media accounts including Television and radio. Taped interviews. Video-taped observation Time-series Based Examples Industry Statistics and reports, Government publications, Books, Journals Continuous regular Surveys Examples Government Labor force Survey, General Household Survey etc Ad-hoc surveys Examples Government Survey, Organization Survey Type of Secondary data: Source Adapted from Research methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thorn hill, 1997. As mentioned above the data used for the research are taken from secondary resources mainly journals, Books, Internet information etc. With the use of secondary data importance is also given to data available from primary data so as to do an analysis part. The reason for using secondary data is illustrated below with it is advantage and disadvantage to the study (Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thorn hill, 1997):- Advantages Unobtrusive May have fewer resource requirements Longitudinal studies may be feasible Can provide comparative and contextual data Can result in unforeseen discoveries Disadvantages May have been collected for a purpose which does not match your need Access may be difficult or costly Aggregations and definitions may be unsuitable Initial purpose may affect how data are presented 3. Summary In review for carrying out any research for the dissertation purposes there are plenty number of ways and the most important thing out of all is choosing the right ones. The dissertation makes use of induction method and more focus is given on quantitative data. Compared to primary data lot of information has been collected by make use of secondary data. Research methodology involves analyzing and interpreting the required data try to find out which method will prove more advantage or disadvantage to the overall dissertation. 2. Literature review This part of section has been mainly divided to four major parts mainly:- 2.1 -Fast Moving Consumer Goods Supply chain 2.1.1 Dairy Industry 2.1.2 Fresh produce Industry 3.1-Purchasing 4.1-Technology 5.1-Vehicle utilization In Fast moving consumer good 2.1 Fast Moving Consumer Good Fast Moving Consumer goods are those products that have a limited shelf life and they are categorized into several different ways according to its usage. Consumer goods are not just strictly limited to what is bought in store but it also involves items that are home delivered, markets and stalls etc. Fast moving consumer includes items such as fruits and vegetables, diary products, sugar and other drinking necessities. Another category of products that can also be included under FMCG are durable goods. The Food and drink supply chain has been a linear relationship involving the primary producers, or farmers, the manufactures or processors who fabricate the food for table and the retailers who gather a range of such products and sell them to the consumer (Jane F.Eastham, Liz Sharples, and Stephen D.Ball, 2001). FMCG business rests on the two pillars of brand equity and distribution network. In FMCG products, brand equities are relatively stronger as the consumer is reluctant to try unknown brands/ unbranded products as most of these products are for personal use. It is often difficult to differentiate a product on technical or functional grounds and therefore little reason to switch from a known brand. According to Keller (2004) a successful brand generates strong cash flow, which enables the owner of the brand to reinvest a part of it in the form of aggressive advertisement/ promotion to reinforce the perceived superiority of the brand. The worth of a brand is manifested in the consumers insistence on a particular brand or willingness to pay a price premium for the preferred brand. In FMCG sector, one of the most critical success factors is the ability to build, develop, and maintain a robust distribution network. Availability near the consumer is vital for wider penetration as most products are low unit value products and frequently purchased. Supply chain takes enormous time and effort to build a chain of stockists, retailers, dealers etc and establish their loyalties. There are entry barriers for a new entrant as a new product is typically slow moving and has lesser consumer demand. Therefore dealers/ retailers are reluctant to allocate resources and time. Established players use their clout to inhibit new entrants (Mohan, 2005). However, when a product offers a strong breakthrough, equity we build up rapidly and so does the supply chain network. Moreover as the supply chain environment has improved with better infrastructure, mere availability of products at retail outlets is not going to be enough; a value proposition is needed to break the increasing clutter of products (Sarwate, 2004). In United Kingdom as mentioned in the introduction (food and grocery) is a major economic player and the makes a significant contribution to the gross national product. It employees over 3.2 million people, which represents 16% of total UK workforce (Mark Francis, 2006). Compared to all other industry the food industry is the most complex of all supplying to the general public. In the UK supplies of food and drink have not only been outsourced within but comes from different parts of the world. Supply chain has been defined as a network of organization that are involved through the upstream and downstream linkages in different process and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate customers (Christopher,1992). FMCG supply chain also like any other supply chain retailers, manufactures are now looking forward to reduce there lead time to make the product reach the customer at a fast rate. It is important note that the food supply chain has been very slow in responding to the success of the motor industry and in recent years progress has been made in food supply chain. Basic structure of Food supply chain Retailing Physical Distribution Manufacturing Purchasing Raw material Production Breeding In the todays turbulent and uncertain world many companies in United Kingdom and around the world are trying to mitigate the risk and create more resilient supply chain. In United Kingdom most of retailers have collaboration with its manufactures/assemblers in supplying the products at faster rate. One of the biggest example is the diary products industry where some of the UK s top retail grocery shop Tescos, Sainsbury etc have collaboration with farmers in supplying products to these retailers. In todays world these retailers are trying to provide customers products by making uses of customers driven system to respond to customers demand there by trying the reduce the lead time to much more smaller period. Here the supply chain are being transformed by quantum leaps in technology, rapidly changing consumer demand and the need to take a global viewpoint (Bob Low son, Russell King and Alan Hunter,1999).It is also important to note that these FMCG have either similar or the same kind of supply chain activities. For example the supply chain activities of durable goods would be different from that of perishable products like milk or any other fresh produce. In the united kingdom there are number of sector for food and drink supply chain and it is subdivided into agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and aquaculture which are the primary producers, then the manufactures ,wholesalers, retailers at each stage of supply chain. As in any country the food chain started in uk with primary producers, the farmers and the fishing industry. Various stages in the Food Supply chain T 1 P CON I 2 P SME R CON M SME R E 3 P CON LR P: Producer CON: Consumer SME R: Small/medium sized retailer LR: Large retailer 2.1.1 Dairy Industry In the United Kingdom as shown above in the figure the farmers are going back to the traditional way of supplying to the consumers directly. It is estimated that about 200 Farmer markets are now generating an extra of pound 65 million in sales for the agriculture industry (Brown ,2000).Take into account the two of the most important industries in the UK the fresh produce and Diary industries supply chain process has to be at a constant pace due to its perishable nature. United kingdom is the seventh largest milk producer in the world and it has changed dramatically over the large 40 years. In the united kingdom the diary industry is one of the most fiercely competitive and semi intensive livestock industry sector and for the first time it has brought together the processing and farming organization together in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. This Giant step have a created a great impact in the supply chain activities in one way or the other. The production of milk in UK is between 13 to 14 billion liters a year which is then converted into a wide variety of diary products. Almost half of the milk produced on farms in the UK is processed into liquid milk. Almost bulk of the output from the diary industry is intended for consumption by consumers.The Diary industry accounts for around 18 per cent of UK agricultural production by value and is the single largest agricultural sector at 2.8 billion. Annual production is around 13.7 billion litres.In UK there are four major dairy companies who process 85% -90% of raw mik.The report has shown that has there has been decline in the liquid milk consumption according to Dairy Council Figures.According to this the uk milk market figures in 2002 uk showed 48 % of raw milk was processed into liquid milk 25 % into cheese 13 % milk powder 15 % into other products inculding cream and butter But over the past years there were issues that has happened in the Diary industry.As conumers started being from aware of the environmental aspect of these industries they where concerned on weather the products are coming through the right channel of distribution with the right quality .Not only consumers but also suppliers of these products where also concerned about the power that was in the hands of large retailers and amount of pressure that they could have on them. The British Dairy Farming industries future affects people, the environment, Countryside, food quality, and security, local communities and the economy. It has also been founded out in a recent survey conducted by the milk development council of diary farmers found that 16 % of diary farmers are planning to leave within next two years and the production could fall by as much as 900 million litres or 7 %. The reduction in dairy farmers in 1995 was 28000 in England and Wales which reduced to 13000 by the end of 2006. (Press Briefing) The dairy supply chain as all other agri- business is complex. The dairy supply chain technically starts at raw milk production and ends with processors, institutions and consumer utilize products that were created in value chain. Companies such as Nestle, Danone etc are moving towards where there is growth in consumption and there has decrease in the diary processor going out of commodity processing and shifted into branded value added products. (Bill Vorley, Corporate Concentration from Farm to consumers)) 2.1.2 Fresh produce Industry The other industry that has to be taken into account is the fresh produce industry of the UK.In the united kingdom the fresh produce industry has been historically lagging behind the manufaturers of FMCG in its approach to merchandising and marketing(Andrew Fearne and David Huges,1999).t is also a point to be noted that year on year the consumer spending on food has been increasing on all the sectors and the consumption of fruit and vegetables is the largest among the other food sectors. The united kingdom is 80% self sufficient in vegetables and but below 20% self-sufficency in fruit.The Uk fresh produce aaccounts for 12 % of total expenditure on food with retail selling value of over 7 billion pounds(Micheal O keeffe and Andrew Fearne, 2002).Now a days the reailers describes fresh produce as destination catogeory for which it doesnt take much time for shoppers to choose and switch shops.Over the last 15 years the trend in fresh produce has changed and it has moved form back of the store to front and has doubled its shelf are in store. It is important to note that tht Food safety act of 1990 had a great impact on the evolution of this industry.This act made sure that the supermarket buyers take resonable step to ensure that Food that is recived from the suppliers is on safe quality.The fresh industry (fruit and vegrtable)can be taken in the form as a dumbbell where two weights on both side represents production and marketing and in between both a narrow distribution channel.The fruit and vegetable industy has been taditionally fragmented and some links have performed well while others have caused bottlenecks.It is noticed that in perishable commodities contractutal or integrated exchange arrangements are more commom than in storable commodities(Natha wilson,1996). Over seventy years grocery and supermarket stores have evolved into the modern market place as the most convenient and diverse business in the world. In the uk there is intense competition between the grocers four of the major being Tesco,Asda,Sainbury and Safeway. Not only these major Grocery stores but also others make use of many of the products from the fast moving consumer good sectors and these two industries namely the fresh produce and Diary products which are bought in bulk from the major suppliers. The uk grocery industry is the third largest in the Eureopen Union and the two industry Fresh produce and Diary have a constant relation with both these industries in supplying products to the grocers.Both these industries supply chain activties has made use of partnerships or colloboration to work with each other in many ways. Even though such activities are taking place between them there is still argument on the way how the power is dominated and there are still some inefficiencies in supply chain and how this can affect the cause of these industries working.However despite this intense competition and power strugggles both these industries work closely together and recoganize the importance of supplying the product to the consumers (Andrew Cox , Paul Ireland , Chris Lonsdale , Joe Sanderson and Glyn Watson , 2002). Over the years Fast Moving consumer Good industry are trying many innovative ways to make the product reach the customer by trying to have alignment with the top grocery retailers there by trying to reduce the lead time of the product by ensuring customer satisfaction. 2.2 Purchasing Supply chain management covers a number of activities having a numerous interconnecting branches and distinct staging posts.One of the important activities of the supply chain management has been the purchasing side which has tremendously changed over the years beacause of the importance it has bought to the firm.Strategic sourcing is a big business !(Lopez , 1993).Firm all around the globe have realised that managing supply strategically can save a tremendous amount of money and which has inturn lead to investment in this area of management. Purchasing is the acquisition of inputs into the firm.Strategic supply is the management of inputs and the transformation process,which includes the structuring of the supply activity of the firm (Jane F.Eastham, Liz Sharples and Stephen D.Ball , 2001). .The purchasing function has transformed form a clerical fuction to a strategic process over the years. Now a days companies are becoming much more proactive rather than reactive in there purchasing fuction so as to respond to the consumers on a timely basis which is very much important for FMCG goods because of its nature.As mentioned in the first part of the literature review most of these Fast moving consumer goods are bought in my goceries and supermarket and there supply chain has to work in an efficient way in supplying the product at the right place at the right time with the right amount of quantity.These industries purchasing department will develop according to the criticality of materials and attitudes of top management towards purhasing(Syson , 1992). As these products are of persishable nature there are lot of thinking put into the purchasing decision.Consumers have placed new demand on attributes of food such as integrity,quality,diversity, safety and associated information(services).There has also been so much concentration on the dydic linkage i.e the relationship between the buyer and the seller.This relationship was extended in the late 1980s and added increased complexity as it took into account the buyer,supplier and the final customer( (Jane F. Eastham, Liz Sharples, Stephen D.Ball, 2001). Each of these played an important role in the supply chain getting stronger and better.In both these industries colloboration between the buyer and sellers played an important role on supplying the products to the final customers.In the recent years farmers where taking notice of colloboration and trying to be more market oriented according to the changing trends.Colloboration as a starategy helped to reduce the risk and uncertainty for everyone in the industry ,as well as fostering the right environment to stimulate innovation and increase value creation (Palmer, 1996; Van der Vorst et al., 1998; Fearne, 1998; Katz and Boland, 2000). There always existed a relationship between the grocery industry and the two industries fresh produce and Dairy because the amount of product that is bought into this sector is of huge quantity.The grocery industry manily involves buying and stocking of goods purchased from the suppliers for resale and these products are inturn sold to the customers.The grocery industry should make sure that the goods supplied from the suppliers are of good quality and the information regarding the replenishment of the product information reaches the supplier at the right time so that the process can start at the other end of the supply chain at an early stage. Over the last years the startegies adopted by supermarkets and grocery has changed dramatically.There has a lot of innovation that has taken place over these years to make the supply chain more efficent and responsive.The UK grocery mulitiples dominate the agri business controlled by the major supermarkets like tesco,sainsbury safeway,asda.It is believed that power of these firms runs bi-directionally take in both customers and suppliers(Andrew cox , Paul Ireland , Chris Lonsdale, Jale Sanderson and Gylan Watson , 2002). Like any other agri business the dairy supply chain is complex one and there lot of competeition between so many varirety of food products to achieve consumer rand.The dairy supply chain begins with raw milk production at the end of the chain and ends with other proccesors,institutions,and consumer utilizes product that where created in the value chain(Analysis of selected food value chain )(Here the name of the author is not given only the articles name). Like any other product which is of pershiable nature the replenshiment information should be at faster rate by the grocers which would be helpful to solve the problem of responding to consumer demand.As customer demand for the product is not static the people in the supply chain process will have direct affect of the reaction and they have to change or adopt accordingly. The Demand for dairy product which are categoried as healthy products are of high concern in the uk market and the consumers are very much concern about the product that is sold is of right quality from the right means.In UK there are many independent farms and these farms sell the raw milk to seven major milk processors which in turn sell the products to grocers around uk. The Uk Dairy supply chain netwok has seen significant changes since deregulation in 1994,among them was the continuing reduction in the number of dairy producers(Susan Ambler-Edwards , 2008). There has a significant change in dairy industry especially in the type of milk that is sold to the consumers and it has been categorsied to organic ,skimmed and semi-skimmed.It is noticed that there a link between the farms,the milk processing unit and the grocery /supermarkets to supply the products to consumers.Each of these has its own purchasing starategy to supply the raw materials to each of its end consumers wether it is Farms supplying raw malk to the milk processing unit and then the finished product to the grocers which is then consumed by the customers in accordance with their taste and preferences. As the grocery sector being at the end of the supply chain and closer to the customers most of this sectors purchasing strategy has to be in align with the farming and Dairy processing unit.So the information passed to the milk processing should be at the right time accoding to the signal received from the customers and the information is then passed onto to the Farmers. The Grocery sector being the largest consumers in Dairy products has to be very much timely with its replenishment of products from its shelf.These are goods that has the shortest shelf life.Grocery sector consists of lot of data which involves listening,understanding,observing the customers reaction of the product and analyzing these information sending it back to the milk processor which is further send back to the farmers which is helpful for the grocers in order to provide a base for the when the next procurement of the product should take place. This kind of activity is useful for the milk proceesing unit because it would not give them a chance to overestimate there milk production and the amount raw milk thats needs to purchased from the Farmers.Here it allows to have strategic purchasing on all the stages.If you take into account the fresh produce(Fruit and vegetable) and the grocery sector the relationship that exist between them are some what same and even the purchasing strategies used. The dairy industry does stratagic alliance between frims to stregthen there position in the market.By making use of strategic alliance it gives the both firms the opportunity to utilize the production sites,distribution channels can be utilized effectively.One of the strategeic alliance that has taken place was between Arla Foods which third in the domestic market and the second largest milk dairy farm in the uk i.e Express Diaries(Sofia Hedberg, 2004). Not only Grocery industry but also Dairy industry over the years are still making use of many techniques such as colloboration,Partnership ,Efficient consumer response ,cateogery management to improve there purchasing strategies.The implementation of ECR and catogery mangement in this industry has heralds the dawn of a new era in which value creation is a which supermarkets and the manufacturers are working together to exploit the diverse opportunitues which exsit in the cosmpolitian marketpalce in which affluent diligent consumers are running out of time to purchase,prepare , cook and consume their food(Andrew Fearne and David huges , 2000). Efficient consumer response was introduced into the grocery industry as means to responding to consumer demand and to promote the removal of unnecessary costs from the supply chain. By means of ECR it allowed companies and firms to serve the customer at faster rate and to work with the trading partners at low cost. ECR objectives are accomplished through both supply side and demand side strategies (Kyle Dupre and Thomas W. Gruen, 2004 ). The reason for this kind of implementation was due to the distrust between the retailers and lack of strategic orientation. Here the supply side objective was to get the product to the end user quicker and cheaper and the demand side took to account strategies such as category management to determine which product should and should no reach on the retailers shelf.Grocery sector involved a lot of colloboration with the fresh produce and Dairy industry in supplying the products.These colloboration provided a surity that they would receive the product at the right time even if there are some issues that happens in there supply chain opeartion.In the fresh produce industry the increase and dominance of multiple retailers and the key strategic importance of own lable products has elevated the fresh produce to position where suppiers have a geninue opportunity to break out of the commodity trap (Andrew Fearne and David huges , 2000). In the Grocery industry the supermarkets are trying to reduce the cost in the supply chain by improving the supply chain integrity and having greater consistency.Now a days super markets are reducing there supplier base to few suppliers and they are taking every opportunity to outsoucing the major activitvies to the suppliers from procurement to distribution and providing the chosen supplier with large voume growth.The interaction between the buyer and the supplier provided them to deal with issues and problems on a daily basis. This kind of interaction between both these industries opened the door to cooperate with each other take necessary decision on the supply chain actvities.As for the grocery industry this provided a base to improve there purchasing startegy and reduce there cost.From the supplier side these suppliers have responded by organising themselves into either marketing co-operatives or agencies to increase the scale of operation,appointing an individial to interact with buyers on day-day basis(Shaw and Gibbs , 1996). Another important development that was bought into this sector as mentioned above was the use of category management which tend to shift the relationship between retailers and suppliers to collaboration between each other and helpful to transfer information and data exchange. Category management is helpul in narrowing down their supplier base to one single supplier named as categoery captain and a lot of information would be transferred between the both.The main objective of the category management is to work closely with the management and grow the category.and was used as a means to establish trust and commitment between the manufacturer and the retailers. Manufacturers can influence the assortment plans of the retailers by providing retailers with knowledge such as market share,trends and brand expendiure.This in turn allows the manufacturers focus on the category more strategically with the retailers.The category management mix is based on systematic category reviews,and it results in a category that is differentiated from competitiors categories from the eye of the consumer (Kyle Dupre and Thomas W. Gruen , 2004 ). Both these industries has to work together to bring out the best from there purchasing department. Purchasing as function could bring out the business in them by seeing it as strategic function at the core of its business and in both the industries which is very helpful in cutting down the costs in the supply chain. The groceries has to make sure that continuous replenishment of the product take place at all times because of its perishable nature and also make sure that the information flow is done on a timely bases. The retailers have to respond to the customers signals at a faster rate so that the process could start at the other end of the supply chain at the correct time. This would help the suppliers to purchase the product according to the required quantity and quality. Different possible structure in which the product can reach the grocery Structure 1 Farmers Grocery Structure 2 Farmers Processing unit /Packaging Grocery Structure 3 Farmers Processing unit Packaging Grocery Structure 4 Farmers Processing Unit Packaging Suppliers Grocery 4.1 Technology in FMCG by Grocery sector In today world most retailers are looking for innovative ways and idea to redefine the way they their doing business and respond to market trends and try to develop new channels and ways to make the product reach the consumers. As consumers started becoming more demanding in the todays challenging and competitive market place technology was the word that stood out and was seen as an opportunity by firms to make the supply chain more responsive and customer oriented in many number of ways. One of the key aspect by making use of the technology available was to improve the visibility of the product in the supply chain and it allows real time , accurate information to be easily accessed and shared collaboratively with all parties within the chain so that appropriate action can be taken. Advances in the information technology has changed the entire FMCG supply chain operation over the last twenty years trying to use it from ensuring better coordination between members of the supply chain to making use of bar codes and other technologies to trace the product. According to Chopra Meindl (2006) Information is crucial to the performance of supply chain because it provides the basis on which supply chain managers make decisions. Without information a manager cannot know what customers want, how much inventory in stock, and when more products should be produced or shipped. Without information, a manager can only make decisions blindly. Technology has provided an edge to greater integration and cohesion among members of the supply chain. These technologies include direct linkages with external constituents, such as electronic data interchange with strategic suppliers, middleware connecting independent information system such as separate enterprise resource planning systems installed by buyer and suppliers, rapid development of online, Web-based solutions, including customized portals and extranets. All these technological advantages have made the companies / firms to become much more proactive with there working environment (Brian Slobodow, Omar Abdullah and William C. Babuschak, 2008). In the food industry one of the issues that was faced was the reliability of food industry which was challenged by number of crisis over the past decade ( Ioannis Manikas and Basil Manos , 2006 ) . Food industry took the initiative to have strict traceability of the food so that when it reaches the retailers it is off right quality. According to ISO Quality standards ,Traceability is defined as the ability to trace the history ,application or location of the entity by means of recorded information( ( Ioannis Manikas and Basil Manos , 2006 ) .Traceability is used a means to have a efficient and transparent flow of information within the supply chain. The efficiency in the system depends mainly on the ability to collect safety and quality related information. IT enabled system have over the years have changed the course of food sector over the years. This below diagram shows how the information is flown through the supply chain to trace the origin of the product In the Food industry this provided a great advantage to the retailers so that it helps to identify what happens in each stage of the supply chain process that is from the production stage to till it reaches the final consumer. Traceability is done in many ways and it differs from supply chain to supply chain. On the aspect of traceability they make use of Bar codes, RFID Tags, computer labeled products etc as means to trace the product origin. In terms of customer they are being more aware and knowledgeable about the product and the quality that they need to expect from them the retailers. These retailers are liable to trace the product at each stages so that any issues doesnt occur which could in turn lead untimely distribution of the product. Traceability is done according to the information that is put into the system which can range from Lot number ,Buyer id , Product ID or some firms also provide all the information that is available to them from production to distribution in order to have full traceability of the product. Full traceability provides information on total product life cycle. For example in the dairy industry where milking and pasteurization take place full traceability requires information about animal breeding procedures, Batch dispersion, BOM, and distribution information. In the fresh produce industry full traceability only requires farming and Distribution system (Ioannis Manikas and Basil Manos, 2006).The concept traceability relates to all products and all types of supply chain The use of technology in the FMCG has allowed ensuring rapid and effective communication of data across suppliers, the manufacturing plant, warehouses, distributors, wholesalers, and retail stores .and getting the supply chain to work at a faster rate with changing environment and customer needs. Grocery industry has benefited in so many ways with the emergence of new technologies available and this helped them to respond to and forth between the supply chains, these information that are passed through the supply chain plays a critical role. For example the data received from the bar scanners are not just used internally by the retailers but the information transferred throughout the entire supply chain. The relationship between a retailer and supplier in differ in the way they apply the information. The development of efficient consumer response has brought in many technology based system to respond to customer demands at a faster rate. These systems have allowed the retailers as well as manufacturers to be more proactive rather reactive. With the help of this technology it allowed for rapid feedback which in turn helps in making proactive decisions within the supply chain. ECR measures are being proposed in three areas product group management , product replenishment and enabling technologies( (Coopers and Lybrand, 1997).Point of sale and electronic date interchange which are enabling technologies as used to exchange information between links in the supply chain so that the other two become possible and easy to make use of. The early use of paper based system in the grocery system was replaced by Electronic order and communication system such as an Electronic date interchange for the transfer of data and order details between the manufacturers and the retailers. This type of transfer of information allowed the data to travel at a much faster rate. Electronic data interchange is a technique based on agreed standards, which facilitates business transaction in standardised electronic form in a automated manner directly from a computer application in one organisation to an application in a another(Kenneth Lyson and Brian Farrington 2006 ) , One of the example is the Electronic point of sale in supermarkets. When a product is purchased from a supermarket there is a barcode on the product that is scanned by the operator at the check out counter which automatically registers the price of the product on to the system. When this signal gets registered in the system it also triggers a computer process that reorders the items from the manufacturer and set off the production cycle, arranges invoicing, payment and transportation of the new order. EDI effectively help in the continuous replenishment of the product with no paper work and little of human effort. One of the major evolutions in the field of grocery industry was the introduction of RFID which is known as Radio frequency Identification which was also used for traceability of the product with much had more technological advantage added to it s side. RFID tag makes use of electromagnetic waves to gather information from a small device called RFID tag (Martin Hingsley, Susan Taylor, and Charlotte Ellis, 2006). The tag need to be near antenna of an RFID reader. These tags differ according to its usage and the amount of information that can be stored about the product according to its criticality. Compared to the bar codes the RFID tags are capable of huge storage of information and it also has the ability to identify multiple items at once. RFID provides detailed descriptive information of the product and allows for real time tracking system and it allows the supplier and retailer interaction to solve issues and problems that occur due to shortage or over shipment of the items. RFID has also bought significant financial benefits to retailers. One example for this was Sainsbury carried our a RFID trial and found that while the initial investment was estimated to be between $ 18 million and $ 24 million ,total benefits achieved were an estimated $ 8.5 million a year ,mainly through efficient stock control and rotation (Martin Hingsley , Susan Taylor , and Charlotte Ellis , 2006 ). RFID implementation in the supply chain has allowed to reduce the human intervention and the reader has prevented the person whose using the reader to individually scan the pallet or case by reading multiple objects at once. According to Gilbert RFID should allow retailers and suppliers to have real time responsiveness (Martin Hingsley, Susan Taylor, and Charlotte Ellis, 2006). With the help of technology the fresh produce growers and suppliers will be able to access the information relating to processing and distribution of their product and it also allows for tracking of the product which is of great advantage in the fresh produce as it allows for visibility and dramatically increasing the potential stock management. Distributors will be able to increase order fulfilment while reducing the paperwork involved in managing the distribution process. Retailers will be able to reduce stock-outs and shrinkage while gaining greater control of product expiry dates. Joseph (2005) suggests that E-commerce is slowly affecting the distribution channels through which consumers and businesses have traditionally bought and sold goods and services. The online channel provides sellers with the ability to reach a global audience and operate with minimal infrastructure. reduced overheads, and greater economies of scale, while providing consumers with a broad selection and unparalleled convenience. As a result (

Friday, December 20, 2019

The End Of Brave New World Essay - 1311 Words

The end of Brave New World brings John the Savage into direct physical conflict with the brave new world which he has decided to leave. He must get rid of all burdens put upon him by this dystopian world. Fasting, whipping himself and vomiting the civilization of this harmful world to purge himself, John cries: â€Å"I ate civilization. It poisoned me; I was defiled †¦ I ate my own wickedness †¦ Now I am purified† (Huxley, Brave 183). When he was exiled outside London, he spends the first night on his knees, not sleeping but praying to God: â€Å"Oh, my God! Oh forgive me! Make me pure! Oh, help me to be good!† (Huxley, Brave 184). Of course, the reason for his coming to this hill is to experience unhappiness and to think about the horror of the civilized world. In his new life of seclusion among the pretty forests, groves, ponds, and flowers, John realizes that he is really happy. Like John in Brave New World, Jonas in The Giver decides to escape to a hill outside his community. He, like John, seeks for a normal life far away from his hellish society. Jonas escapes to Elsewhere, an unknown land that exists beyond the boundaries of the communities. But, unlike John, Jonas does not declare his comfort and purity. He just declares his feeling of hunger and disease. Both novelists’ choice of ‘hill’ as a new escape for John and Jonas is significant. Geographically, hill is a natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising above the common level of the surrounding land.Show MoreRelatedBrave New World: A Struggle Between the Genius and the Mediocre931 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Æ' After the publishing of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, modern literature has changed forever. It is considered a masterpiece and one of the pillars of the dystopian novel. However, both of those affirmations can be called into question. The former based on a subjective opinion of a reader and the latter through compromising its dystopian nature. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pros and Cons of Social Media in Business-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Pros and Cons of social media in business. Answer: Introduction Social media has become the essential part for the world which provides the facility for one person to communicate with millions of people around the world. Internet technologies are the supportive in the progress of social media. There are no hard barriers in the social media system. The growth of the business can be done in progressive manner with taking help of social media. Adidas, Titan, Toyota and many brands are taking help of social media to expand its business in all over the world (Aral, Dellarocas and Godes, 2013). The topic has been opted for this research is reward and drawback of social media networking in the growth of the business. The advantages as well as disadvantages will be reflected in this research. The major aim and the scope will be elaborated to provide better understanding for further research. Objective of the research Social media has become necessary component in the growth of the business and the aim of the research to look at the pros and cons of social media networking in the business. To expand its business, there are many companies that use social media to get competitive advantages and to interact with their customers. Scope of the research The cost of the company can be controlled with taking help of social media networking in business. The research has been conducted for the purpose of evaluating the pros and cons of social media networking in business. Literature review The platform of social media is considered as the new trend and quickly progressing way in which businesses are able to find out targeted customers in easiest manner. Social media networking is helpful to promote the products and services of the company. It has been analyzed that this kind of marketing is measured as a division of online marketing activities that accomplish the conventional encouragement strategies such as newsletter, e-mail and online advertising campaigns. There are various social media sites which have various features and forms (Fita, 2012). Facebook was introduced in February 2004 and it has been evaluated that as of now Facebook has more than 900 million active users. According to Bernie Borges (2009), twitter is the second largest site of social media and it is the combination of micro blogging and social network. Twitter is provided services to its user to share real time experiences. It has been found that these two social media are among the valuable and us ed by so many people. Social media are helpful to convey with huge number of people at one time through social media sites. There is various kind of business such as travel and tourism, retailers, wholesaler, electronics and many other that have attained a lot by expanding their business online (Fuchs, 2017). Pros of social media networking Social media has proven itself popular by providing success to many companies. It aids a wide range of people to get knowledge about everything such as job search, travel facility, education and many more. Companies are involving the social sites to attract customers towards companies and for showing the company revenues and expenditures publically. Various opportunities and market position are built stronger through the social media. Social networking is attaining the much popularity in the era of globalization. The business has adopted the social media platform to promote their products and services in the market which is economically good for the business and spread information regarding products and services in lesser time which is advantageous for the business (Hajli, 2014). There are various advantages of social media networking in the business and the major benefit point of it is the cost-related. The financial barriers in the context of social media marketing are quiet low in comparison to others. It provides the facility to free access, create profile and post information. On the other hand the campaigns of traditional marketing can spend millions of dollars. Social media marketing is free for the business which allows business to run the business on a limited budget (Hudson and Thal, 2013). Business need to analyze the target market before expanding the business. Social media offer marketers with the ability to target audiences and customers on the basis of personal interest of site users. For instance, list country music is one of the well known sites that provide the ads about artist and concert. Along with that it has numerous advantages such as cost efficient, better customer relationship, expansion of customers, brand awareness and enhance the exposure of the company (Jain, Joshi Shashi, 2014). It has been analyzed that the social networking is aiding to enhance the business. Social media is giving access to various businesses to expand it products and services in all over the world. Along with that social media services are allowed to increase in inbound traffics. Customers are the key of success and it is vital for the organization to improve the customer satisfaction by providing them efficient quality. As per Johnston, (2014), social media networking allows cu stomers to post their query and issues regarding services and products to the site of the company in the form of feedback so that company can improve the services as per the feedback of the customer for maintaining the reputation of the company. Communication is the effective tool which reduces the distance of working. Social media is a medium to interact with customers, clients and employee of the company by using various methods of communication. There are two kind of communication plan and company can execute both internal as well as external communication platforms (Nadeem, et. al., 2015). It has been allowed by the social networks to easily collaborate on the project of the business. Social networking aids in rapid decision making between employees because it is easier for them to provide feedback about the services or products in quick manner. Along with that it is helpful to amplify the business contacts. The implementation of social media policy will amplify the reputation o f the business. It has been found that there are various applications are being used by many organizations to enhance their workplace communication. There are various applications such as Slack, Socialcast, and Yammer which is liable to enhance the productivity and the security of the internal communication. The software of communication offers facilities such as easy life sharing, group chat and team collaboration to improve the efficiency of the employees (Ngai, Tao and Moon, 2015). The organization can considerably amplify their market share by approaching a newer target market. It has been found that the company can search products of company by penetrating for similar things. The company can approach globally in true manner with the help of social media. It provides opportunity to various customers in all over the world to find and buy the products as per their desire and need through social media (Ciprian, 2015). These kinds of approach are liable to enhance the sales of the organization. E-commerce websites are introduced as boon for the business in which business can import as well as exports products from various countries. It has been analyzed that traditionally, business has to open new outlets to expand its business and to increase their sales, but social media has given the opportunity to the business to sell the products in all over the world from one shop which is quiet good. It has been analyzed that the shopping market is booming with efficient players of online business and there are so many large companies that have been doing online business such as Alibaba, eBay, Amazon and many more. Haythornthwaite, (2005), stated in the research that Amazon is one of the largest online business market in all over the world that sell more than 26billion items on a peak day. It provides the facilities to the customer to select the items from their home without going anywhere from a vast variety of items Cons of social media networking The role of social media networking has grown rapidly in the context of progressive business and various businesses uses it for a range of purposes such as marketing, research, online sales and communication. The social networking sites have numerous advantages but it has drawback as well. The cons of social networking sites are security issues, cyber attacking, false information, wrong advantages of service and hacking. The cons or drawbacks of the social media should be analyzed by the company before adopting the social policy in the companies. According to Schroeder, (2014), hacking is the process of accessing the unauthorized data of the company by adopting the illegal manner. There are numerous people who hack the system for gathering the sensitive information of the company. Nadaraja Yazdanifard, (2013), discussed in his paper that social networking enhances the chance of hacking and increasing the cost of security and firewalls to avoid hacking. There are so many companies ar e become the victim of hacking in todays world which alert others to get protected from hacking. These companies are Sony, JP Morgon, eBay and many more. These companies had to face various issues regarding their reputations and suffered from huge losses due to hacking. Hacking can grab the personal information of the employees of the company such as passwords, bank information, and personal data (Sachs, 2016). Inside risk is another disadvantageous factor of the social media networking because it has been found that the unsatisfied customers can post unfavorable comments on the sites of the company which is not removable. That is why company need to check their social media accounts many times of the day. As per Rosenblatt (2015), the inside risk refers the high chance of hacking because it is done by inside person. There are various examples of inside risk and one of the major examples of it is Morgan Stanley, inside attack on the company. It is integral for the company to build the clear and strong social networking strategies. The benefits of the company can be affected due to lack of social media policy in the company. The role of social media strategy is vital for the organization and one mistake can bring the adverse situation for the company (Talpau, 2014). It has been seen that along with that there can be trademark and copyright issues that is why it is essential for the company t o prevent their trademarks and copyright while using social media to encourage the products and services to the targeted market. It has been found that the companies are spending a large amount to prevent their social media accounts; they are investing a huge amount heavily on firewalls and security software. The cost of software is high and it is necessary fo the campny to keep updated the softwares for using in beneficail point of view. It has been estimated that$113 billion will be reached of cube security which is quiet big amount. Social media networking has become the addiction in the view of many people and they use it from morning to evening which may impact the performance of the individual. It has been analyzed that the interest of employees are diverted due to interaction with people by social media sites. It has been studied from the article of Mangus (2014) that more than 90% people are addicted of social media and wasting their countless time to scroll up and down on Facebook and many other sites. Trust is considered as the unique dimension of transactional security and privacy that play a vital role in developing the customer loyalty to social media marketers. It has been evaluated that the fear of online credit card fraud has been one of the key cause consumers have not made wide online purchasing. Furthermore, trust is interlinked with the security which is integral factor in the process of online purchasing. Customers cannot touch, feel, smell or touch the product and they order on the basis of trust and they are unable to look into the eye of the salesperson. Therefore, brand trust is vital for the organization which may increase the sales of the company. Brand trust generally provides a facility in the context of reduction of uncertainty. It has been cleared that the trust of customers on the brand and the services of the company can overcome the disadvantages of the internet that is to overcome the perceptions that the Internet is an insecure, untruthful, and untrustworthy marketplace (Tiwari, 2012). There are many workers who are suffering from cyber bullying on the social networks of their company by their colleagues. The concern of suicide, harassment, depression has taken place in the organization due to this kind of harassment which is liable to hamper the position of the company in the view of outsiders. However, there are various issues and challenges of social media networking but the success of it is dependent on the right use of the social media in the company. There are number of people that are not connects with the company as physically but social media gives them physical existence and provide opportunity to connect with company without joining physically. Conclusion From the above discussion, it has been concluded that the role of social media networking is crucial in todays world because it can be established anywhere with the internet connections. The social media encourages the business to expand it globally. But along with that it has provided some drawback as well which may hamper the situation of the company adversely. It aids business to interact with the large number of people instantly who are interested in their products and services. Social networks help out in market research, executing campaigns and instantly communication with interested persons. It has been found that there are various applications are being used by many organizations to enhance their workplace communication. References Aral, S., Dellarocas, C. and Godes, D., 2013, Introduction to the special issuesocial media and business transformation: a framework for research, Information Systems Research,24(1), pp.3-13. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Pioneers Trio of Indian English Fiction free essay sample

Pioneers of trio in Indian English fiction M. K. Naik, a renouned and scholarly Indian critic makes a comment while discussing the novel: One of the most notable gifts of English education to India is prose fiction, for though India was probably the fountainhead of story-telling, the novel as we know today was an importation from the West. Indian English literature originated as a necessary outcome of the introduction of English education in India under colonial rule. In recent years it has attracted widespread interest, both in India and abroad. It is now recognized that Indian English literature is not only part of Commonwealth literature, but also occupies a great significance in the World literature. Today, a number of Indian writers in English have contributed substantially to modern English literature. Ram Mohan Roy who heralded the Indian Renaissance and Macaulay who recommended English language education in India were probably aware of what was in store for the Indians in terms of literary awareness. We will write a custom essay sample on Pioneers Trio of Indian English Fiction or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Today it has won for itself international acclaim and distinction. The first English novel was borne with the publication of Pamela [1740] written in epistolary stile by Richardson. On the Indian land, Bankim Chandra Chatterjees RaJmohans Wife [1864] enjoyed the status of being first Indian English novel which faithfully follows pattern. This fiction copies many of the besetting sins of its models particularly, their sprawling construction, their tendency to divide people into sheep and goats and their passion for authorial intrusion into the narrative. By 1930, Indian English literature was more than a century old; and yet, curiously enough, it had not yet produced a single novelist with a substantial output. And then came a sudden flowering when the Gandhian age (1920-1947) had perhaps reached ts highest point of glory during the Civil Disobedience Movement of the thirties. It is possible to see the connection here, if one remembers that by this decade the nationalist upsurge had stirred the whole country to the roots toa degree and on a scale unprecedented earlier, making it acutely conscious of its present and its past and filling it with new hopes for the future. A society compelled into self- awareness like this provides a fertile soil for fiction and it is no accident that the three major Indian English novelists- Mulk Raj Anand, R. K. Narayan and Raja Rao, came to light during this phase. It was, in fact, during this period that Indian English fiction discovered some of its most significant themes such as the ordeal of the freedom- struggle, East- West relationship, the communal problem and the plight of the untouchables, the landless poor, the economically exploited etc. The tradition of the novel of social portraiture set by RaJmohans Wife was considerably diversified in Indian English fiction acquired a respectable status and remarkable momentum consequent in the hands of Mulk Raj Anand, R. K. Narayan and Raja Rao are considered to be the pioneers trio of the Indian English novel, who started their riting career in the Gandhian age and still continued to write thereafter, brought the novel to maturity, the contribution of post-Independence novelists (especially the younger generation) cannot be underestimated. Collectively, the contribution of this generation novelists perhaps even preponderates over that of older generation novel and this is no overstatement. At the same time, it is indisputable that the younger generation novelists cannot be set beside Anand, Narayan and Rao, modern sensibility and technique, the new novelists would appear to have a distinct advantage. l, therefore, modestly differ from the statement of Professor M. K. Naik that the achievement of the post- Independence novelists cannot, on the whole, be said to match that of Anand and his two major contemporaries. The purpose of the paper is to highlight and emphasize the real merit of these three novelists and their contribution to Indian English fiction. Critics like William Walsh, Alstair Niven, K. R. S. lyengar, C. D. Narasimhaiah and M. K. Naik have evaluated the works of these great trio, and labeled them as: If Anand is the novelist as reformer, Raja Rao is the novelist as metaphysical poet, Narayan is the novelist as moral analyst, says William Walsh. C. D. Narasimhaiah says: Where distinctions are made they fall into neat categories of Anand the Marxist, progressive or committed writer; Narayan the comic genius or writer pure and simple; and Raja Rao the religious or philosophical novelist. These three novelists have broken new grounds in Indian English fiction in terms of making innovations in themes and techniques. They have re-created their characters in their own situations-social, as well as psychological. If Anand is known for humanism, Narayan is known for social and psychological realism and Rao for metaphysical ideas. It is interesting to know that our pioneering novelists, Anand and Narayan published their first nove ls with the help of British novelists, E. M. Forster and Graham Greene respectively. Narayan and Rao have many things in common. All the Big Three as William Walsh called them, were influenced by Gandhi and tried to make a myth around Gandhi in their novels. All these three lived abroad, and were exposed to western life and culture. Unlike diasporic writers they never thought of imaginary homeland they were firmly rooted in India. All of them won Sahitya Akademi Award for their novels R. K. Narayan for The Guide in 1960, Raja Rao for The Serpent and the Rope in 1963 home and abroad. For example, Raja Rao got the prestigious Neustadt Literary Prize in U. S. A. for his novel, The Chessmaster and His Moves.